Case Study

Jones and Jones reduces costs by 35%

Optometrists reduce costs by approximately 35% and save staff time.

Jones & Jones, a family-run optometry practice in Barry, Glamorgan, managed to reduce costs and time using Webpost. Before using Webpost, they were posting letters to 4000 patients in the traditional way; printing to a local printer, purchasing stamps, manually stuffing envelopes and posting in the local post office.

Dr Jones respects that his patients’ choice of communication is still a physical letter rather than email. However, he wanted to find a less time-consuming and more cost-effective way to manage the mailshots sent manually.

When asked why he chose Webpost, Dr Jones answered,

“I did look at other hybrid mail suppliers, but Webpost won on its ease of use. The other options I considered involved a change in the way we create documents, but with Webpost, the process didn’t change for us. Once the software was installed, we still created our letters and mail merges in exactly the same way as we had always done. The only difference now is when we press print, it all goes to a virtual printer and the task of printing, putting in an envelope, and posting is carried out by someone else.”

“The staff time we save is huge, and our postage costs have reduced by approximately 35%.”

Webpost helps reduce costs and save time

Dr Jones commented, “Their [Webpost] technical support is excellent. It is an absolute no-brainer; simple to use, saves money and enables staff to get on with more important things.”

“We have been using Webpost since April of 2012 and would never go back to posting the traditional way.”

Get in touch to discover how to reduce costs with hybrid mail.